Sunday, August 10, 2008

carpal tunal

My hand hurts. I have been writing and typing a lot lately, and the tendons and ligaments in my right wrist are worn out. It is a disconcerting feeling. My hand has been hurting for about a week; hurts to cook, hurts to fold things, hurts to open packages I get in the mail. I am young yet, how am I debilitated? This does not bring the most pleasant contemplations...I am already neurotic.

This has led to me to contemplate my ability to tough-it-out. For instance, even as I type this, my wrist right before my thumb is pulsating a little bit. Does that mean I should not write? When the first paragraph comes easy, and then you hit the wall, well, then what? Do you give up and snap the laptop shut? Tonight, I prefer to keep listening to Thom Yorke croon at me through the speakers, and to write. WRITE. I may just be typing into this blog, with no other purpose than to put some words out there, but I will type.

My friend told me the other day that Thom Yorke must smell like rasberries. It makes me laugh, because of course. What else would he smell like? If someone were to distill me down to a fragrance, I wonder what it would be. Would it be something flowery, like tulips or something fresh like grapefruit or cut-grass? I would like to think that it would be a very light, alive scent....maybe like an ocean wave or a crisp breeze. I would like to be a refreshing smell. I would always like to make others happy. At once, a great strength and precarious danger.

Now, I should go to bed. Exercise completed for the night.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Today I feel a little blurry, a little not-with-it. I got enough sleep last night. My list to stuff to-do today is not gigantic. All-in-all, I have no excuse feeling so fuzzy. But maybe that's it right there: no excuses, no demands. I am not really "required" to be sharp today. It will not be an incredibly busy day, and maybe that's exactly what makes my brain ease up. Not really necessary to be in overdrive if you don't have a day that demands it. It just makes me reflect on how busy I allow myself to be at times. There are days when I don't even have a minute to sit with my cup of coffee and think about...whatever. And, as I would tell any writing student, reflection is why would I not make it a priority? Too busy? Is that a cop-out? A dear friend of mine always makes time. MAKES time to reflect, to create. He is never "too busy" to do something that feeds his spirit. I run around doing so many things, and I blame my lack of focus on the slew of shit that I have cobbled to myself and tied to me, like so many tangled streamers. It is really within me to say "no", to pause and to work some of the knots. It might also give me time to reflect, to not be so fuzzy.
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