Why do I vote?
It's a question I've been repeating to myself over and over throughout this election year. The temptation to throw up my hands and shake my weary head and say, "that's it! I give up," is very great. While I could probably ramble on and on about the condition of the modern political landscape and "lesser of two evils" crap, I will keep myself to the positives.
I vote because:
1. I can. The 19th Amendment was ratified in 1920, and in honor of women everywhere who've fought for suffrage, especially those who have not yet attained it, I will exercise my right.
2. No one likes a complainer. If I don't vote, I have no room to gripe if things in government aren't going my way.
3. Other than that, I'm not really sure. I feel frustrated with the negatives, and I'm clinging to these two reasons to cast my vote in this coming election.
Like I said before, why do I vote?