On the way home the other night, I started to think about money, and I got really depressed. In fact, it's fairly accurate to say I threw a full-out pity party, tears and shaking the steering wheel. The whole she-bang. I thought, we are young and just starting out in life~why should things go to shit just now? I mean, I have dreams. I have goals. I have a direction, vague though it may be, that I want my life to go in. To feel the general population throw a big, fat wet blanket--named Crappy Economy--on that...It's not fair.
Still, I want to make the best of it. Jake and I have talked about reigning in our spending, figuring out ways to "make do" with what we have, even if that takes a little creativity.
It seems I'm not the only one tense and anticipating a strapped-down, low-cash life.

Joann from
Cup of Jo blog found these bottles of "recession wine"~perfect for the thrifty vinophile.

I love these pieces from Poppytalk's
affordable art guide. The last one is a piece by Olivia Jeffries entitled "Stand Tall", which I think is a message to me (and anyone else depressed by their tiny bank accounts and tinier job prospects). I think about my grandparents, children of the Great Depression. They made their way through times of want and plenty...cheerfully. That plucky can-do spirit is an inspiration to me, coming from a generation of "if I go to college then I will get a good job and be set for life." It's looking like it will take a bit more creativity than that. It is time to stand tall, muster courage, and sink our hands into a dirty pile of figure-it-out-as-you-go work. Maybe I've had just enough caffeine today to feel up to the task. But, deep breathe...here we go!
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