I am moving this week! I have piles and piles of dust-gathering boxes clustered all around the house. They are bound for our new digs...I just can't wait until they're all safely over there.
About things people do in their sleep. I was listening to the Signal the other night, and Lori Brown was talking about a man, Lee Hadwin, who--get this--paints and draws in his sleep! Here are some of his pieces:

How cool is that? What do you wish you could do in your sleep?
Right now I'm working my way through this book:

Bill Bryson is terribly funny in unexpected, almost shy ways. He sneaks up on you and all the sudden, you're laughing out loud! It's great. The only problem is, it makes me want to be traveling right now...grrr. So frustrating! Well, everything in it's time.