Friday, March 12, 2010

the fog presides

I feel like I'm in a fog today. 

And I mean that literally AND figuratively. With the drastic warming-up of southeast Michigan, all the snow has magically transformed into a thick, low-hanging draped over the buildings and roads. My brain feels like the enshrouded buildings on campus...I can sort of make out the shapes of my thoughts...but nothing's really clear.

And it's Friday. I'm so glad. I am ready for the weekend (even though I've over-scheduled myself, as usual...) 

And, since it's Friday, and since I'm in a fog, I'm gonna try to at least nail down three main things:

  • I am still working on "the book". It is scary and I feel like I'm just barfing up dumb stuff...but still going. 
  • The Bright Ideas conference at MSU is coming up! I have a rough idea what my presentation will look like...
  • Grading this weekend! (yay.)
I've been thinking a lot lately about next steps. There are big decisions to be made, and yesterday it came really clear to me that my heart is pretty evenly divided when it comes to them. What about you? What do you do when you're faced with a big decision?


I started The Volcano Lover, by Susan Sontag, over break. It's so smart, and subtle and rich (so far). I'll keep you posted on how it goes!


Jess said...

I like to overthink decisions. Well, it's not enjoyable, but that's what I usually do. One of my friends once said, "when in doubt, do nothing" which is pretty sound advice, because it gives everything time to settle and change and usually an answer comes out of it. But if I don't have time to do nothing, then I suppose I just pray and leap!

nic said...

Ha! your friend sounds like a friend of mine, actually. I need to incorporate waiting into my life more, generally. I am, how you say, a woman of action...which unfortunately gets me into trouble sometimes! My mantra is foolhardy: leap and pray:)

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