hello, three a.m..
It is time for me to go to bed, but before I do, I'm going to muse a bit about balance. I've been thinking lately how balance is not really a static thing, but more like a stasis that evens out through lots of movement. Like a wave dipping up and down, or a fan oscillating, yet somehow covering the whole room, I feel like I must figure out how to move if I am to be truly balanced.
The weeks ahead of me are busy. I am standing at the starting line of a medium-to-great marathon of happy social events that I have committed to because I genuinely wanted to be involved. It's just that, standing here, quivering in the anticipation of the gun shot, I am a bit overwhelmed. All will work out, the universe will continue to expand whether or not I get through this month in one piece...I just have to roll with it. It's as though life were a crashing wave and I, the hapless surfer who must relax every muscle--though terrified--and allow the water to push me under, tumble me around a bit, and then leave me to resurface. Better take a deep breath now.
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