I just finished the book, Eat, Pray, Love, by Elizabeth Gilbert, and I gained fifteen pounds. Not necessarily in the span of time it took me to read the book, but still. Finishing up grad school (just final thesis revisions to go!) has freed up some time for "fun" reading, and I scored the Gilbert book with some other great finds at the used bookstore down the street. On the one hand, I was totally won over by Gilbert's conversational tone. On the other, I was seething with jealousy, that she got to spend a year traveling and writing about it. I guess you could say it is my dream to do exactly that. Having a book on the New York Times Bestseller list wouldn't hurt, either.
Something I was thinking about while reading this book, was the approach Gilbert takes toward "God", defining God, relating to God...It is a head-spinning topic, and one that is divisive. I found myself not able to agree with Gilbert's take on the whole God-thing. I took this as a good sign. Meaning, it is probably healthy to read/interact with art and literature and humans that I don't necessarily agree with. Not only can it help me practice listening and learning, but it can reveal perspectives I would never have considered before.
Ah, summer reading. I'm excited for summer, for new books, and for a chance to shed these extra pounds that have caked on from a few semesters too many of sitting, studying, and snacking. This means I will need to balance (a key word Gilbert explores!) my time: reading, yes. Walking, too. Maybe even a few softball games. Bring it on.
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